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    Water and Your Diet..

    Find out if you're getting enough water to keep your...

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    Vitamin deficiencies and mental health: How are they linked?

    Patients today often are overfed but undernourished. A growing body of literature links dietary choices to brain health and the risk of psychiatric illness. Vitamin deficiencies can affect psychiatric patients in several ways:

    • deficiencies may...
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    How the 80/20 Rule Can Help Improve Your Health and Life...

    Okay, short history lesson -- don't let your eyes glaze over. Have you heard of the 80/20 rule? It's also called the law of the vital few and was originally called The Pareto Principle. It started way back in the early 1900s when Vilfredo Pareto discovered that 80 percent of the land in Italy was...
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    FDA Warns Against Testosterone Overuse

    The Food and Drug Administration is warning doctors against over-prescribing testosterone-boosting drugs for men, saying the popular treatments have not been established as safe or effective for common age-related issues like low libido and fatigue.